
Saturday, 1 February 2014

Frugal February .... living simply and mindfully

After making a start on de-cluttering the house and getting rid of a mountain of clothes and odds and ends, I've decided that for the month of February I will not buy anything other than the bare essentials.  Not a thing...

I'm not one to buy a lot, my main spending would have to be on books and of late, yarn, so I don't think it will be hard going for me.  I've cut back on buying books anyway due to a lack of storage, and I've been using the local library whenever I can.  My yarn stash is looking very healthy too, so there's no need to buy anymore at the moment.

I have started to plan our weekly meals again, which kind of fell by the wayside during the holidays, but now I'm back into a routine and especially for this month, I'll use what we have in the pantry and plan meals to minimise food wastage too.  

One of my aims this year is to really cut back on 'clutter' of all kinds and to simplify our lives; to be mindful of what we eat and what we buy.  I think Frugal February will be a good start.  Any good tips or ideas for me??

What do you say?  Want to join me for the month?  It'll be great for the hip pocket, no extra clutter in the house and we'll be doing something for the environment.... always a plus!

Leave a comment or link to your blog if you're joining in....

Tina x


  1. What a great idea - i'm going to give this a go. Good luck to you.

  2. Yes great idea. Too late for February but maybe March.....

    1. thanks Mary, let me know how you go - would love to hear of any other ideas/ways of cutting back and simplifying :)

  3. Jennie Meiklejohn7 February 2014 at 09:25

    We're kindred spirits! I've not actually given it a name, but I'm trying to create meals from the many tins and packets in the pantry and only buy fresh food until I can find some shelf space in the pantry! Having read 20 Lessons from Madam Chic I've decided to declutter my wardrobe - but it's harder to do that I thought. This might take some time.

    1. Yes, my wardrobe is next on the list - I need to do a bit of research on the idea of the 'capsule wardrobe' - the French certainly know how to do things don't they?


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