
Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Op Shop Doilies and The Nappy Collective...

On our way back from the library today, the little man and I passed the local Op Shop where I found these little lovelies. I know I'm in the middle of frugal February but I figured they only cost me 50c each, are second hand and are destined to be up cycled into garlands, and stitched onto the front of t'shirts and dresses for the wee one.

I also picked up these two embroidery hoops for up cycling in Miss 'I's room.  I haven't decided on what I'll do with them yet, but I've been inspired by the clever ideas here.  Loving the doily and fabric covered ones.

....... And this lovely little beaten silver bowl (all of $1) which is now at home amongst the other succulents.

Just on a side note - all you mamas out there with leftover disposable nappies from your little ones and you don't know what to do with them - go and check out this site, The Nappy Collective.  A group of mamas have formed a website to collect all of these leftover nappies which are then given to families in crisis or in need.  Fabulous idea!! 

Hope you're having a great week,

Tina xx

1 comment:

  1. Who would have thought?? Those ideas for embroidery hoops look soooo good- I particularly like the fave fabrics and doilies displayed on hoops. Will have to remember those!!


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