
Thursday, 9 January 2014

On my hook this week...

There are soooooo many projects bouncing around my head right now that some nights I go to bed thinking how on earth I will ever have the time to get to them all.  I am constantly coming across new ideas for projects and things I want to try so they get added to the list and heavens - the list is HUGE! I think that's why I've got a few little projects on the go at the moment. I really would love to commit to something bigger (I'm thinking big cozy blanket) but I'm actually a little apprehensive truth be told to start something so BIG.  Maybe I could just start the blanket and pick it up when I feel the need and then do other little things on the side......mmm yes, that would work.  Now all I need to do is decide on which patterns and colours.  Eeek!

Until then this is what I've been hooking this week...........

 .......Lovely little marabelle flowers which will eventually be a garland for little miss 'I' s room.  I'm doing a vintage whimsical theme for her so this should work in beautifully......

.......little acorns and leaves in anticipation of autumn.  I know it's months away.....but time has been known to get away from me in the past so I'm getting prepared.......

and here is a sneak peak at something else I came across whilst scrolling through Pinterest.  It's not normally my crochet style, but I thought it would look cute in my 2 year old boy's room.  Any ideas???

..... no they are not little hats or bowls ..........'s the start of something a little bit kooky....... stay tuned......

This afternoon, my three older children went to my sister's place for a play which left me at home with just the wee one.  After she was safely tucked up in bed for her afternoon nap, I had the whole house to myself.  It was so quiet.  The house has not been that quiet for at least two years.  I love all the noise and chaos that children bring, but boy when I get a little quiet time, it really is something special!  It. Was. So. Peaceful.  You know when you haven't eaten something for a long time and then you get to eat it, it's like pure indulgence and you savour every bite, well that was me this afternoon.  Absolutely savouring every last bit of quietness.  *Sigh*    I also got a bit of hooking time in.  I probably should have been doing my ironing as the pile is getting as BIG as my project list, but I decided on doing a little crochet instead.  Much better for me....he he.

What's been on your hook this week??

Tina xx

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