
Monday, 5 May 2014

On my hook...

I have been quietly crocheting away at any and every opportunity which unfortunately for me hasn't been as much as I would like.  We are slowly getting back into a routine now that school has returned, so here is a little peak at what I've been doing.

...this lovely little pixie hat for the wee one, done in a pretty shell stitch.  I ADORE this stitch - it's so lovely and repetitive, and so so pretty.  I also did some leg warmers for her in the same colour and shell stitch, but sadly I underestimated the chunkiness of her thighs.  I had to unravel them as they were WAY too small.  Would you look at those cheeks??  A babe with cheeks like that AND a pink bonnet - it doesn't get any sweeter for me. (Did you notice that I put her hat on upside down in the last photo.  The scalloped edge is supposed to be at the front - oops!)

I have started on a cot/pram blanket in a lovely ripple pattern.  My little sister is due to have her third babe in June and I have several friends due in August/September so my plan is to have a few small blankets done in different colours and patterns.  I'm loving the browns and blues in this one and the ripple pattern is another favourite stitch.

I have had a skein of Alpaca wool sitting in my basket for a few months now.  It is the most divine earthy, autumny red, russet colour,  I love it.   It sat in my basket for a while because I just couldn't decide what to do with it.  I only had one skein of it, so I was a bit limited with choices.  In the end, I decided to do a simple double crochet cowl for myself.  When I finished it though, I just wasn't happy with it; it didn't seem to be long enough and the stitch just didn't seem to do the wool or the colour justice.  So, I unravelled it and did another cowl in a ribbed stitch.  Again, it just didn't look and feel right, so I unravelled it again.  It is sitting in my basket all rolled up, just waiting for me to something else.  Any suggestions with what I should do?  It's just too lovely a yarn to have sitting in my basket for too long.  Any suggestions would be most welcome!

tina x


  1. lovely lovely crochet! I adore the zig-zag throw I made for Reu before he has born - the zig sag gives that bit extra stretch for swaddling and tucking snugly up in bed. The cowl is beautiful too!


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