
Friday, 7 March 2014

Fabric and Doily Covered Hoops

I love it when I can do something crafty with my hands......

... to play with colours and textures.....

...... and produce something pretty ......

....... Embroidery hoops, old fabric, scissors, a bit of playing around with colours and fabric  ....
that's it....
  The inspiration for these covered hoops came from here
 (lots of other practical and pretty ways to use old embroidery hoops too.) 

 They will eventually end up in the wee one's room but at the moment they are sitting on the mantel.  I say eventually because ... well ....  those of you with young children know that jobs involving nails and hammers,  don't happen quickly 😊  Or maybe that's just in our house.....

Tina xo


  1. Beautiful!
    One day I will get around to do some of these for my daughter's new room- although she now says she doesn't want to move out of her brother's room, so there doesn't seem to be any hurry just yet....

    1. Thanks Naam. X Sounds like our house too - musical rooms at the moment, the oldest two children are in together but that's about to change.


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