
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Happiness is.....

:: making stock from here in preparation for the cooler soup and stew weather 
:: making lists - oh yes, lists make me very happy; lists for our meals for the week, lists of craft and crochet projects, weekly to do lists!  There is something very satisfying about getting things out of my head and onto paper.
:: Chunky thighs (the baby's - not mine) and tiny toes. 
:: our Eat Local Thursday where I can buy lots of fruit and veg, organic lamb sausages, honey, olive oil and so much more; all seasonal and locally grown. Today we bought plums, nectarines, a kilo of blueberries and end of season tomatoes.
:: falling asleep to the sound of rain on the roof.  We've had a few days of rain and I'm hoping for some more on the weekend which will mean a pyjama day;  DVD's, some crochet and crafting, and reading while listening to the rain.
:: Creating and crafting whenever and with whatever I can - today was upcycling some greeting cards into wall art in the children's rooms.  I love the villains and superheroes.

I hope you're finding little bits of happiness in your week,
tina xo

Sunday, 16 March 2014

A christening....

Last weekend we celebrated the christening of our two littlest ones...

It was a beautiful day, surrounded by our family, most of whom travelled long distances to be with us.

 There was lots of food ..... great conversation......

hubby's birthday ...... backyard cricket .... cake ....

and of course two beautiful little people ....

we are so very, very blessed.

tina xo

I actually didn't take my camera or phone to the church so I didn't get any pictures of the little ones at the christening service!  I am eagerly awaiting emails and pictures from family who were (thankfully) snapping away with their cameras at the church.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Currently Reading....

Well as you can see, I'm reading up on nourishing my (and our little family's) mind, body and soul.    The fermenting of food has long been on my to do list, but I have to say I've been a little daunted by the whole process, so I'm hoping that by researching it a bit more, it won't seem so scary.  I'd love to make our own sourdough bread so that might be the one to start with - I may just have to jump right in the deep end and not think too much about it (something I have a tendency to do).

The 'I quit Sugar' has been one that keeps popping up everywhere and I've been intrigued, especially with these 'new' findings that suggest that it's really sugar, and not fat, that's bad for us.  I saw it at the library and I'm glad I borrowed it - it makes sense to me so far, and the recipes at the back look simple and delicious.

What can I say about 'My Heart Wanders'.... beautiful, inspiring, escapism at its best.  I love travel books, particularly those that are about living in another country (particularly Paris) and this one was lovely.  The author actually lives on a house boat in Amsterdam at one 

I've just finished 'Eleanor and Park' by Rainbow Rowell which was sad and so very, very sweet, AND it has a nice ending.  I'm a sucker for a book with a nice ending....that's the romantic in me I guess.

My next read is 'Have a little Faith' by Mitch Albom, which has been sitting in my pile of 'must reads' for ...hmmm... let's just say a while...

What have you been reading?  Anything good??   I'd love some recommendations...

Happy reading,

tina xo 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Hello Autumn....

Hello Autumn,

I'm so very glad to see you,
my most favourite of all the seasons,
I look forward to your warm days and cool nights,
of being able to get out into the garden during the day
and snuggling up under cosy blankets at night.

I'm ready for the change of pace that this time of year brings,
the slowing down,
the pottering around our house
preparing for winter and retreat,
the wearing of boots and scarves, woolens and hats,
the pots of stews and soup simmering on the stove all day
and baking bread
and watching the leaves turn into earthy browns and reds.

Yes, you are very welcome Autumn, please stay a while.


Friday, 7 March 2014

Fabric and Doily Covered Hoops

I love it when I can do something crafty with my hands......

... to play with colours and textures.....

...... and produce something pretty ......

....... Embroidery hoops, old fabric, scissors, a bit of playing around with colours and fabric  ....
that's it....
  The inspiration for these covered hoops came from here
 (lots of other practical and pretty ways to use old embroidery hoops too.) 

 They will eventually end up in the wee one's room but at the moment they are sitting on the mantel.  I say eventually because ... well ....  those of you with young children know that jobs involving nails and hammers,  don't happen quickly 😊  Or maybe that's just in our house.....

Tina xo

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Homegrown harvest ....


Some of my earliest childhood memories are of eating fresh, homegrown fruit and vegetables from our family garden.  I remember if we weren't feeling well or recovering from illness, mum and dad would make us a pot of whatever vegies were in season, and we'd mash them up and put a little nob of butter on top!  YUM!  Comfort food at it's best.
Many years later, they are still planting, tending to, and harvesting their own fruit and vegetables.   Now I'm able to take my own children into their garden and return with armloads of incredibly tasty and nourishing food.  Today we brought home tomatoes, rhubarb, pumpkin, carrots, capsicum, zucchini, swede, garlic and eggs from their chickens.   Lots of goodness to be made into purees for the wee one, and soups and stews.

As I slowly add more variety to my own humble little vegie patch (which only has tomatoes and herbs at the moment) I'll continue 'raiding' my parents garden.  You just can't beat the taste of homegrown....

What's growing in your garden at the moment?  Don't you think that homegrown fruit and vegetables have the most amazing flavour that you just don't get from store bought?

Have a great week,

Tina xo

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Round Crochet Cushion

It has been a few months since I started this cushion, so it feels good to have it finally finished.  It wasn't a complicated pattern; the opposite actually - easy, repetitive and soothing.  I loved picking it up when I got a chance, do a few rows and then put it down again for a few days or sometimes weeks at a time.  The actual pattern is from Nicki Trench's 'Easy Crochet' (have I mentioned how much I love this book?) but there are many patterns and tutorials on the web.  The rose is also from the same book, but the leaves are from here.   Don't you just love pink and green together? 

Now that I've finished this I'll start on the wee one's christening bonnet.  Nothing like leaving things until the last minute!

Tina xo

The yarn is from Bendigo Woolen Mills in 'Classic' Pale Eucalyptus.  The rose is 'Drops' Lima Powder Pink (3145) and the leaves are 'Drops' Lima Light Olive (45)