
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Hello lovely readers....

I am still finding my feet with this whole blogging caper; changing and tweeking things, adding and moving stuff about.  You may have noticed I've just changed my blog header - I've gone for a simple, minimalist look....

What do you think?  Too plain?  I know it's not quite Autumn but I couldn't quite resist adding some floating leaves....  I'm not sure if it's me though ...  I love simple, but should I add some colour and sparkly things??  Would love to know what you think. 

Oh, and I did want to thank all of you lovely readers who drop in to say hello and a warm welcome to the new readers ....  feel free to leave a comment and say hi......

Tina xo

Monday, 24 February 2014


:: being able to open my shutters and blinds during the day to let in the soft, warm sun (up until last week, the summer sun has been too hot to leave the blinds open during the day) :: the subtle changing of the seasons :: getting so caught up in a book that it takes me a few seconds to remember where I am :: having a wonderful husband who knows the importance of 'me' time, even if it's just half an hour a day to myself :: wandering through a yarn store and feeling all of the beautiful alpaca blended yarns :: sipping on homemade chai inspired from this recipe (I have played around with this recipe to make my own personal blend....delicious and so so comforting) :: the feel of my babes little arms curling around my neck as she snuggles into me ::

 Have a lovely week,

Tina xo

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Currently reading...

Some early morning reading time....

I'm almost finished reading 'Perfect' by Rachel Joyce.  This is the blurb;
In 1972, two seconds were added to time. It was in order to balance clock time with the movement of the earth. Byron Hemming knew this because James Lowe had told him and James was the cleverest boy at school. But how could time change? The steady movement of hands around a clock was as certain as their golden futures.
Then Byron's mother, late for the school run, makes a devastating mistake. Byron's perfect world is shattered. Were those two extra seconds to blame? Can what follows ever be set right?

Sounds intriguing doesn't it?

I'm also re-reading Rhonda Hetzel's 'Down to Earth, A guide to simple living.'  I read this for the first time about 2 years ago and every so often, when I lose focus or need inspiration, I re-read it.

Happy reading,
Tina xo

Friday, 21 February 2014

Upcycled Golden Book Greeting Cards

Today was a day of creating and crafting....

....using a pile of old Golden Books and upcycling them into greeting cards and gift tags......

Tina xo

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Op Shop Doilies and The Nappy Collective...

On our way back from the library today, the little man and I passed the local Op Shop where I found these little lovelies. I know I'm in the middle of frugal February but I figured they only cost me 50c each, are second hand and are destined to be up cycled into garlands, and stitched onto the front of t'shirts and dresses for the wee one.

I also picked up these two embroidery hoops for up cycling in Miss 'I's room.  I haven't decided on what I'll do with them yet, but I've been inspired by the clever ideas here.  Loving the doily and fabric covered ones.

....... And this lovely little beaten silver bowl (all of $1) which is now at home amongst the other succulents.

Just on a side note - all you mamas out there with leftover disposable nappies from your little ones and you don't know what to do with them - go and check out this site, The Nappy Collective.  A group of mamas have formed a website to collect all of these leftover nappies which are then given to families in crisis or in need.  Fabulous idea!! 

Hope you're having a great week,

Tina xx

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Christening Bonnet

"It always seems impossible until it's done"
Nelson Mandela

I finished the 'practice' bonnet a few days ago.   I must say, I am rather chuffed with it.

It was about 7 months ago when I first saw this pattern and I immediately fell in love with it.   I had only just started crocheting, and I remember looking at it and wondering if I'd ever be able to make something so delicate and elaborate.  It looked very complicated and really not something that a beginner should attempt (I was still all thumbs if you know what I mean).  I printed out the pattern though and kept it in the back of my little project book.  When I started to get more confident with reading patterns I got it out again and the little symbols and abbreviations started to make sense.  I read it and re-read it until I could see the pattern forming in my minds eye and then I took the plunge.  It really was a simple pattern which didn't take all that long to work through.  I think that's why I love it; it's simple, feminine and beautiful.  

❤❤❤❤ I loved every minute of making it ❤❤❤❤  

I did intend to get a few photos of the said bonnet on Little Miss 'I', but it was very difficult to keep an almost 6 month old from moving around, particularly when mama has a very interesting clickety click thingy in her hand....


For those of you who are interested I used a 4.5mm hook and 50% Acrylic/50% cotton in a light brown colour (Moda Vera 'Gelato').  The pattern can be found here at Aesthetic Nest.   The bonnet is a bit big for Little 'I' but I'll adjust my tension and maybe use a 4mm hook.  Although, the rate she is growing each day it will fit her by March!


Have a great weekend,
Tina xx

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Sea Change...

The sea, once its casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.
Jacques Yves Cousteau

I have been dreaming of a sea change.....

.....of having sandy feet, and breathing in the salty air......

...of weekends spent at the beach, and my children learning to surf....
of eating fresh seafood and listening to the gentle murmur of the waves.....

I love the bush; it is where I was born, where I grew up.....

but the sea is calling................

Monday, 3 February 2014

On my hook...

I haven't been crocheting much lately - I haven't had a lot of spare time and it's been too hot to do anything other than breathe!  (It was 41 degrees C again yesterday)

I am still working away on my little Marabelle flower garland, the pile is slowly getting bigger... I do a few here and there when I get a chance.

I've also started a round cushion cover too.  I've done the front, the little rose and leaves, so it's just the back and it'll be done.  I am having trouble sourcing a round cushion insert though which is very frustrating. ( Let me know if you have any ideas where I can get one from.)

I've also started on Little Miss 'I's christening bonnet. I saw this pattern on Pinterest months ago, before I could even crochet, and just loved it.  I immediately knew I had to make it for her.  It's so pretty...

I thought I should do a 'practice' bonnet before starting on the actual one though.  The pattern has been really easy to follow and I haven't had to unravel too many rows :)  This bonnet is a pale brown colour (very vintage looking ❤) but I've bought a gorgeous cotton yarn called Blush; a really pale pink, which I'll use for her actual christening bonnet.   I can't wait to start on the actual bonnet, but here's a sneak peak at the 'practice' one. (sorry about the photos - the colour is a bit off; the actual colour is more like the top photo)

It's so old fashioned... I just love it ❤❤  She is getting christened in March so I'll have to get my skates on and finish this one off so I can make a start on the actual bonnet.

What have you been up to??

Tina xx

(I'll post details of each project, ie the pattern, yarn type and colour etc when they're completed)

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Frugal February .... living simply and mindfully

After making a start on de-cluttering the house and getting rid of a mountain of clothes and odds and ends, I've decided that for the month of February I will not buy anything other than the bare essentials.  Not a thing...

I'm not one to buy a lot, my main spending would have to be on books and of late, yarn, so I don't think it will be hard going for me.  I've cut back on buying books anyway due to a lack of storage, and I've been using the local library whenever I can.  My yarn stash is looking very healthy too, so there's no need to buy anymore at the moment.

I have started to plan our weekly meals again, which kind of fell by the wayside during the holidays, but now I'm back into a routine and especially for this month, I'll use what we have in the pantry and plan meals to minimise food wastage too.  

One of my aims this year is to really cut back on 'clutter' of all kinds and to simplify our lives; to be mindful of what we eat and what we buy.  I think Frugal February will be a good start.  Any good tips or ideas for me??

What do you say?  Want to join me for the month?  It'll be great for the hip pocket, no extra clutter in the house and we'll be doing something for the environment.... always a plus!

Leave a comment or link to your blog if you're joining in....

Tina x