
Friday, 20 December 2013

Five more sleeps...

This time of year is just crazy isn't it ??  The weather here has been ridiculously hot -  41 degrees Celsius today, there are crowds of people everywhere you go, baking to get done, wrapping of gifts; there is a long list of things to do before Christmas Day.   I'm really trying to slow down and enjoy it though.

The older two children finished school last Friday so in an effort to stay away from the crowds and out of the heat, we've been busy around our little house......

........Decorating our Christmas fruit cake with bright red stars.........

.......Making winter wonderlands in glass jars.......

......Baking lovely little Christmas pies.....

and painting rocks for our succulent garden......

Have a great weekend,

Tina xx


  1. What an absolutely beautiful blog you have Tina - I am blown away by it and I adore all of your photos. Christmas at your house makes me homesick for Australia - I go home every 2nd year but this year is a New Zealand one for me. Thanks for letting me come and visit! Love Kate (from greedy for colour) xx.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Kate. Come visit anytime! X


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