
Saturday, 21 June 2014

Returning to work....

In less than two weeks, my maternity leave ends and I will be returning to work.  It is only for two days each week but I have mixed feelings about it.  Mostly I am sad and apprehensive.  I love being a stay at home mum, love pottering around the house, at my happiest when I'm baking, playing with the littlies and nurturing my family.  I am worried about how I will pull it all together, the long work days, being away from the little ones, the general stress of having another ball to juggle.  I have started to mentally prepare myself and make lists on what needs to be done to ease the transition.  There is no other way around it though, I have to go back, so I am determined to focus on the positives.  

tina xo

PS Where did that time go?

Photos: Fog surrounding the Pecan tree and Winter daisies



  1. Oh good luck! I hope it all goes well and the juggle isn't too much of a struggle.

    It's been six and a half years out of the system for me. Not sure how I'll cope when I have to function in that capacity again!

    rachel xo

    1. Thank you Rachel, I survived the two days and it actually wasn't that bad. The little one coped without me (I knew she would) - it's tough moving out of your comfort zone though. My husband cares for the children when I'm at work and I can still breast feed the little one, so I'm very lucky xo

  2. Oh sweet Tina! I wonder how you've been going - it is such a big transition - but I can't imagine a more gifted and loving mama to do it. I found beginning "work" on the farm with Reu in toe a real challenge (and something we're obviously going to learn to manage better when we return in a few weeks). Still sending lots of your love your way... be kind and gentle to yourself xx

    1. Thank you lovely xo. I've been thinking of you and your new venture down south. I'm looking forward to hearing/reading about it :) much love xx ps did you get the recipes I sent through on your email?


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