
Thursday, 10 July 2014

in my kitchen - July

I missed last months 'In my Kitchen' posting, so this is a combination of May and June.  I contemplated not joining in anymore with these postings because I feel like a bit of an amateur compared to some of the fabulous food blogs that contribute each month.  I really like sharing my little adventures in the kitchen though, so here we go... another a small peak at what's been happening lately ........

In my kitchen this month there's been;

 Ginger, honey and lemon tea for sore throats and headcolds,

stunning white roses,

another unsuccessful attempt at making Sauerkraut but a
very successful first attempt at Raw Blueberry Cheesecakes - oh my they were good!!

...and picking the Cumquats off my trees and making Marmalade with them.  I used honey instead of sugar and added some freshly squeezed orange juice for the liquid.  I'm very happy with the way it turned out - it has a sticky jam like consistency with a lovely delicate taste.  It goes very well spread thickly on sourdough rye with a strong cup of tea!!

tina xx

I'm joining in again with Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial and taking a peak in to kitchens all over the world. 


  1. The thing I enjoy about In My Kitchen is that for every professional looking food blog there's one that's about good honest living and tells it how it is. Your cumquat marmalade looks wonderful as do your photos.

  2. I made Cumquat marmalade this month... it is so wonderful to take something that you have grown and make something different from it. I feel a bit the same as you re the blog, as I'm just starting, but that is the fun, seeing all the different blogs :) Thanks for Sharing! Liz x

    1. Yes It is so very satisfying to make something with food that you've grown isn't it. All the best with your blog x

  3. Thanks for sharing. I love the marmalade :)

    1. I was so happy with the marmalade - it really is delicious. Thanks for stopping by x

  4. Thanks for sharing. I love the marmalade :)

  5. Hi Tina! The cumquat marmalade looks delicious! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks Emily - I'll definitely be making it again. I loved it. Thanks for reading x

  6. I'm glad you decided to join in! :) I love the leaf bowl your cumquats are sitting in! And I'm so sorry to hear you've all been sick - there's a bad lurgy going around here as well. Hopefully the lemon ginger and honey is doing the trick! Tina, would you like me to add a city or state to your IMK listing?

    1. Hi Celia, thank you! The lemon and ginger worked and we're all feeling much better. You can add me as New South Wales if you like. X

  7. love the tea pot, and the marmalade looks great. i know what you mean about feeling like a bit of an amateur when it comes to blogging and indeed for me- cooking. i realise that i have much to learn about the whole concept of cooking and feeding people. ah well always good to have something new to learn.:)

  8. Tina, I love cumquats but have never made cumquat marmalade, maybe next year. Yours looks very enticing.

    1. Thank you! It's worth giving it a go - delicious !!

  9. Ohhhh so delicious! all of it!

  10. I loved reading about your kitchen. I always feel very amateurish as well, but I like to think I'm keeping it real. I'm never going to be someone who has time to style all my pictures but I do have time to snap off a few quick iPhone pics and write about them (sometimes I get fancy and attempt a filter too). I hope you keep at it.

    Those roses are gorgeous and I love the look of those raw cheesecakes. They're making me hungry!!

    1. Thank you Lisa, I do like to take pictures but I haven't the time or knowledge to style each shot. It's nice to know that there are other people who feel the same way though :) thanks for reading x

  11. Beautiful pictures radiating the creativity and love of a beautiful woman

  12. Tina, your Cumquat marmalade looks and sounds delicious... your white roses were indeed stunning... and never, ever 'compare' yourself to anybody else on IMK. Each post blesses us in unimaginable ways. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  13. I'm late reading IMK's this month as we have been away, but please don't stop chiming in with us. I didn't post this month because other things got in the way, but life is like that sometimes. I enjoy everyone's kitchen, and your cumquat marmalade looks gorgeous!


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