
Thursday, 10 July 2014

in my kitchen - July

I missed last months 'In my Kitchen' posting, so this is a combination of May and June.  I contemplated not joining in anymore with these postings because I feel like a bit of an amateur compared to some of the fabulous food blogs that contribute each month.  I really like sharing my little adventures in the kitchen though, so here we go... another a small peak at what's been happening lately ........

In my kitchen this month there's been;

 Ginger, honey and lemon tea for sore throats and headcolds,

stunning white roses,

another unsuccessful attempt at making Sauerkraut but a
very successful first attempt at Raw Blueberry Cheesecakes - oh my they were good!!

...and picking the Cumquats off my trees and making Marmalade with them.  I used honey instead of sugar and added some freshly squeezed orange juice for the liquid.  I'm very happy with the way it turned out - it has a sticky jam like consistency with a lovely delicate taste.  It goes very well spread thickly on sourdough rye with a strong cup of tea!!

tina xx

I'm joining in again with Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial and taking a peak in to kitchens all over the world.